
TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a recreational sports program for children with intellectual, emotional, or physical disabilities offered through local soccer clubs. TOPSoccer provides people with diverse abilities an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive, and inclusive.

TOPSoccer, is nationally supported through US Youth Soccer, but community-based soccer program for boys and girls, men and women, 4 years old and up who have a cognitive and/or physical disability.

Organized by youth soccer association volunteers, this unique program enables these players to participate at levels consistent with their skills, not necessarily their age. It also allows people with special needs to participate, be included in activities and grow emotionally and physically and where their families, coaches and buddies connect to share in the joy of playing soccer.

In addition to the players, TOPSoccer also has volunteer (“Buddies”) to assist and/or support players on the field. The buddies are typically High School students who are seeking volunteer opportunities with connection to sports, education, and people with disabilities, and they do not need to be soccer players themselves to help. 

In Seattle, the TOPSoccer Wildcats typically practice for 8 to 10 weeks in both the Spring and Fall at Arena Sports in Magnuson Park.  The session times are grouped for younger and less able-bodied players in the first hour and for older and more able-bodied players to follow in the second hour.

For each special needs player the cost is $25 and this covers coach gifts, trophies or other swag, end of year party. There is no charge for coaches, buddies and siblings. Please note that players and buddies can register and play at any point during the season.

FALL 2024 Program Info

Program Dates
Week 1 - Sept 8th
Week 2 - Sept 15th
Week 3 - Sept 22nd (No Session)
Week 4 - Sept 29th
Week 5 - Oct 6th
Week 6 - Oct 13th
Week 7 - Oct 20th
Week 8 - Oct 27th (program party 4-6pm)

1st Group (4-10 year olds) - 12.30-1.30pm
2nd Group (10+ year olds) - 1.30-2.30pm

Arena Sports, Magnuson Park